Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yew hedge information please?


I want to grow a dense yew hedge to act as a screen. Can anyone tell me which is the best speciment to grow and it's rate of growth?

Any info would be useful.

Yew hedge information please?
Taxus baccata the common or English yew is what you want you're probably looking at about 6 inches of growth a year, when the plants have been in for two or three years and have established trim twice a year and you will soon have a nice thick screen.
Reply:I agree with Green0 but when you trim it make sure you destroy the clippings - they are poisonous to cattle as are the berries to people.

I hope you enjoy the wait. You plant a yew hedge for the coming generations not for yourself.
Reply:yew, or genus "taxus" likes just about any conditions, but wants well drained fertile soil. otherwise, anything goes for them, sun, shade, wet, dry, acid or alkaline. if you want a tall screen, go with t. baccata 'adpressa' 20ft, 'fastigiata' 30 ft., 'dovastonii aurea' 10-15ft, or t. cuspidata (japanese yew) 30-50ft. for short hedge, go with t. x media 'brownii' 8 ft., 'densiformis' 3-4ft, t. cuspidata 'densa' 4ft. or t. cuspidata 'capitata' 6-12ft. yews are slow growers in general. trim hedges in summer and early autumn.
Reply:Taxus baccata. I have had great success growing this as a hedge. Feed it with dried blood. Stinky but it hastens the growth enormously. Yew is the best hedging plant by far. You are wise to choose it.
Reply:Pretty much any yew would work great, but I would reccomand fertilizing it with an acid fertilizer to get a better groweth rate.

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