Friday, November 18, 2011

When is the best time to trim yew trees?

yew trees

when is the best time to trim

When is the best time to trim yew trees?
They are very resilient plants %26amp; you can trim them whenever you like. For a nice flush of new growth covering the plant, do it in early sping. To clean it up, cause it grows all summer, trim in the summer. However try to avoid doing it when temps are over 80 to avoid stress that can cause some browning. It's just cosmetic %26amp; the plant will be fine if it happens, it just doesn't look good for a while.
Reply:as yews are evergreen (pardon the humor)yew can trim them any time.usually done late spring so the cut ends are foliaged over by autum.hope this helps
Reply:In the autum when the leaves have fallen off and the sap has returned to the root
Reply:Best time to trim any fruiting/flowering tree,is after most.if not all.of the fruit/flowers have fallen,

This is generally in Sept/Oct,b depends on the climate;earlier if its frosty,later if its mild.

For yew trees, the optimum time would be about August/September,and only remove the sideshoots,not the main branches
Reply:when ever yew want to.
Reply:i always cut my trees, shrubs back in october,you can trim them back between october and begining of febuary,
Reply:About 10 am after yew had some brekkie and a cup of tea
Reply:just after you've practised by chopping down my jungle :)

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