Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HOW MuCh dO yEw nEeD tO DrInK oF 160 pRoOf To GeT dRuNk?


HOW MuCh dO yEw nEeD tO DrInK oF 160 pRoOf To GeT dRuNk?
there are alot of variables involved to answer this: age, weight, tolerance level, etc.... each person is different.
Reply:For you? Probably two. That is some really strong stuff, and for a female of your size, it probably doesn' take a lot, plus shots hit you a lot faster since you consume them quicker. As low as my tolerance is nowadays, two shots of 160 proof would get me drunk, and I weigh probably 60-70 pounds more than you.
Reply:160 pf- 3 shots well have u feelin good. You may not want to drink it in shot form as the high a proof can burn the esophogaus lining. But to each his own and u think ur man enough go for it. 3s a good number but just go by feel i wouldnt overdo it with so strong a drink though. May drink 3 shots and polish em off with some beer, you're sure to feel good.
Reply:I'd say you are there already. By any chance, can you remember how many shots you had? Go sleep it off, hopefully, you won't stop breathing or anything silly.
Reply:Depends on your weight and tolerance, but 5 will probably do it.
Reply:When you lose the ability to type legibly, you've had too much.
Reply:BEeFouR U DRinK NEthiNG U shOOd hAVe sOM-1 fiX uR ComPUtUr KEE-boRd. I ThInK ur SHifT keE is BroKen

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