Sunday, May 16, 2010

What time of year should you cut yew hedging back hard?

Depending on the time of year different shrubs need to be pruned accordingly. A yew can be pruned in late winter, spring, or early summer. There are two approaches to pruning yews and many other evergreens. Evergreens can be periodically pruned to maintain a healthy shape or they can be pruned severely to correct an overgrown plant. For yews, new growth commences in spring and will not be harmed if pruning takes place simultaneously. The result will be less new growth for the year. You can begin pruning your yew in late winter and continue throughout the summer. Each time you prune, take off a couple inches. Or wait until the yew has finished the majority of its new growth and then give it a more severe pruning of six inches. Do not be afraid to prune, it is like giving your yew a good haircut. In time you can bring the yews back to a formal shape or let it grow freely but under control.

What time of year should you cut yew hedging back hard?
AlanIf you do it now you wont have to do it again untill summer, grass,trees and garden things slow down in growth for winter
Reply:Do it nw that the sap has stopped rising,but i do mine at any time its needed. UK
Reply:Yew can do it now, ha ha. no really.
Reply:You can prune in late winter, spring when starting to get its new flush of growth, by rule of thumb you should not reduce any shrub or tree by any more than 1/3 as cutting back into the hardwood of a plant can be risky, as it may not recover. Little more often in the case of this plant I would say.
Reply:you can do it now,,so the roots will have time to build up before spring
Reply:Autumn is probably/traditionally best, or Spring.

Yew (Taxus) is very tolerant to clipping; can be cut back and will always come back. Good for topiary.
Reply:Whenever you want. The Yew is a tough customer

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